If you have debts that you cannot afford and want to cancel them, in whole or in part, we can help and guide you, checking that you meet the established requirements to benefit from what we know as the Second Chance Law. The application bases are included in Royal Decree-Law 1/2015, of February 27, on the second chance mechanism, reduction of financial burden and other measures of a social nature.

This law is a mechanism that allows natural persons to totally or partially cancel debts and emerge victorious after a situation of impossibility to meet the debts contracted. In short, it is about overcoming a situation of insolvency, but at the same time trying to protect the collection rights of creditors.

Both individuals and the self-employed can benefit from this law. But requirements such as not having sufficient assets to meet the debts, having debts with more than two creditors, not having been convicted of crimes against assets, among other requirements, must be met.

In addition, a section is also included on good faith when contracting debts, that is, that the debts have not been contracted knowing that they would not be able to deal with them.

There are two modalities for the insolvent debtor to take advantage of the Second Chance Law, on the one hand, a total cancellation of debts with liquidation of assets and on the other, a partial cancellation of debts with a payment plan.

If this is your case, and you want to be advised by our lawyers, you can request information and appointments at info@bergerdozet.com or by calling (+34) 656774291, we will be happy to help you.